Refund policy

    • Your subscription amount paid to access PDB is non-refundable.There is no provision for partial refund either. New subscription plans can only be activated after the expiry of the current plan. If you do not pay the entire subscription amount, your account will not be activated. Partial payments will not be refunded either.
    • Service may be suspended for a duration for unforeseen reasons or for maintenance. No refund will be issued against the suspended duration. If you cannot access PDB despite being a subscriber, please email: [email protected]
    • PDB shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies in the content published on PDB. Users may email [email protected] to rectify inaccuracies in the content. No refund will be issued for any inaccuracies in the content or if the quality of the content does not meet your expectations.
    • The service may be modified or discontinued entirely without prior notice. No refunds will be issued for any reason whatsoever, once your subscription amount has been paid to PDB.
    • Other than through the transaction information provided on the subscription page, there is no other method through which PDB shall ask any user for any money. Please do not pay any money through any other method for subscription to PDB. PDB shall not be held responsible if the user follows any unauthorised/ misleading/ impersonating method of subscription to PDB. There are no third-party websites which can offer subscriptions to PDB. PDB shall only send emails regarding subscription from <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>. No refund can be issued from PDB’s end if the user follows any unauthorised/ misleading/ impersonating method of subscription to PDB. 

    To resolve any concern, please email: [email protected] 

    When you are accessing PDB as a subscriber or as a non-subscriber, it is assumed that you have read these terms and conditions.